This review contains MAJOR spoilers from previous episodes and plot details from Episode 5

So here we are after 7 long months of Walking Dead. The final episode of The Walking Dead, and it continues literally were episode 4 left off. Lee has been bitten by a walker and Clementine has been kidnapped by a mystery person. Who goes with you to find clementine? Well that depends on your play through you could have gone with everyone or you could have gone alone. As episode 5 progresses Lee is starting to feel the effects of the walker bite and he knows his time is limited. This leads us to the first of 5 choices in this episode and that is "Will you cut your arm off to possibly stop the Walker bite"
In Episode 5 we see some really shocking character changes in some of the characters. If you left Ben to die in the last episode you will miss out on a really shocking scene between Kenny and Ben were we see a totally different side to both of them. Episode 5 also contains easily the best moment out of all the episodes, and that is when Lee finally meets the mystery guy who kidnapped Clementine (Trust me the mystery guy is a big shock too) The scene has you two face to face and it is tense as hell. I won't say anything else as I don't want to spoil this awesome moment.

The Final Verdict
The story in Episode 5 is fantastic. The ending is amazing and one of the saddest video game endings I have ever seen. The game altogether has been an amazing experience and is should be on many peoples Game Of The Year 2012 list (It's on mine for sure) I can't wait for the confirmed Season 2 of Walking Dead, and if the next season is as good as Season 1 then we will be looking at another amazing game. If you don't own this game.... GET THE GAME NOW!
+Amazing story
+Great conclusion and ending
+Choices really matter even as far back as Episode 1
+The best of Walking Dead is in this Episode
Final Score
Walking Dead episode 5 is the first ever video game to get a 10/10 on ThisGenGameReviews.
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