The story in Episode 4 was in my opinion the weaker one out of the 4 episodes released so far. It isn't that the story is bad at all in this episode it's just that the other ones were at such a great quality and this episode was a little lower in quality. Although I thought the story was a bit weaker in this episode the ending in this episode was easily the best ending in the series, and it gets you really excited for the next episode. Like the other episodes expect some shocks, twists and turns in the story especially the ending.
The Final Verdict
Walking Dead episode 4 was another good entry to the series although not the same quality of EP 1,2 and 3 EP4 was still a welcomed addition to the series and really builds towards the huge finale episode which should be coming out by the end of the year. EP4 to me seemed like a build up episode almost a filler in a way but the filler is needed to really get us ready for how big the next episode will be. I am really looking forward to the next episode of The Walking Dead and I hope it surpasses the quality of the first three. Until then see ya at the EP5 review.
+Tough choices
+Best ending of the series
-Weaker story
-Most of the new characters are not as interesting
Final Score