Leon's campaign is pretty long too it will take around 8-10 hours to complete. Expect lots of twist and turns in the story too. After Leon's campaign I played Chris's campaign. In Chris's campaign you team up with another new comer called Piers. I didn't really like this campaign much because it felt too much like a Gears Of War game. The campaign is non stop shooting and killing monsters, and to be honest after a while it gets really boring.
After playing Chris's campaign I started Jake's campaign who teams up with Sherry Birkin from Resident Evil 2. Jake's story is that his blood can save many life's but he will only give it for a price (The merchant from Resident Evil 4 would buy it at a HIGH PRICE) along with that Jake and Sherry get chased by a big monster called the Ustanak that is also invincible. The Ustanak is similar to the way Nemesis chases you during Resident Evil 3 (Not even close to being as scary)

Altogether the story was OK. Leon's was easily the best and Ada's campaign quality shocked me while Chris's bored me and Jake's was just there.Some story element problems I had with the game was the puzzles. The puzzles like the recent Resident Evil games are way too easy to complete, and should be harder in difficulty like the older games. The bosses aren't that great and kind of repetitive at times as well. The enemies are pretty decent it was good to see the traditional zombies return and also in the action campaigns there was some good enemy design. I have to say though I was impressed at the amount of time it takes to complete each campaign it will roughly take around 30 hours to beat all the campaigns in the game. Also it should be noted that all 3 campaigns overlap each other so expect a Chris/Leon confrontation which is something long time fans have been waiting for since 1998.

Finally there is the online modes. Along with playing side by side with a friend going through all the campaigns there is some other online modes that you can expect to play and these are Agent Hunt Mode and the long running Mercenaries mode. In Agent Hunt Mode you can join a random persons online game and be an infected character and try to kill the two players. Mercenaries is the same from the past few years were you (Or an online partner) go and take down as many enemies as you can until the time runs out so you can earn the skill points. Skill points are used to buy skills and perks for the game this can include infinite ammo, firepower and more.
The Final Verdict
Resident Evil 6 was far from the best Resident Evil of all time but wasn't the worst of all time either. The game impressed me with the amount of content that you can play through. Four separate story campaigns combined taking 30 hours to finish is pretty impressive. Leon's campaign is everything right with the game and is sort of the right direction that should have been taken while Chris's campaign is everything wrong with Resident Evil. The next game needs a big overhaul kind of how Resident Evil 3 was to Resident Evil 4. The action needs to be cut down and the CO-OP should be optional these are my two biggest complaints with the game. You're probably wondering should I buy the game or not then? I would say not yet. When the price lowers I would say give it a go because it isn't a bad game it's just a bad Resident Evil game.
+Story is 30 hours long
+Leon's campaign
+Voice acting
-Cover system
-Way too much action not enough balance
-forced CO-OP ruins single player and any sense of danger
-Chris's campaign was awful
Final Score